About the Translator

Jeffrey Armstrong | Kavindra Rishi
Founder of VASA Vedic Academy of Sciences & Arts, International Speaker, Best-selling Author, Vedic Scholar, Linguist and Poet.
He is an award-winning poet and best-selling author of numerous books, including Spiritual Teachings of the Avatar: Ancient Wisdom for a New World. He has been featured in the CBC documentary Planet Yoga, the Leo Award-winning documentary Take Back Your Power, Wings of Yoga and two documentaries on Ayurveda & Psychology for Mind Valley. He has degrees in Psychology, English Literature and History & Comparative Religion and spent five years in an ashram as a brahmachari (monk).
Though born a Westerner, has dedicated most of his adult life to learning about, practicing, and teaching Vedic wisdom. At age 50, he left the corporate world and took a vow to dedicate the rest of his life to only teach the Vedic knowledge. He has worked with prominent Indian organizations to help with the revival of Sanatana Dharma culture by teaching at Hindu youth camps, universities, and civic centers throughout India, America and Europe. He is the Vice Chairman of the Vedic Friends Association and is active with the British Board of Dharmic Scholars. He and his wife live in beautiful British Columbia, Canada.